Yeah, saturday AND sunday.. I know, I'm falling behind again. Not my fault though.. I keep falling asleep the minute we get back to the house. Lots of stuff to do and lots of things to see and lots of people. My poor brain is not used to it so I get mentally exhausted. And fall asleep ;)
So.. saturday. Doctor Who day! ^^ First of we to a trip to London where we had some lunch and then went off to find the Who Store at Barking street. Love it! I really, really loved it. It wasn't huge, but they had sooooo much stuff! it was packed! I wanted at LEAST half of it! And yet they had very little Ninth Doctor stuff. But I did get some stuff, trying to hold on to my money.. but I did get some stuff ^^ And I found a christmas present for Michelle. Sometimes I feel sorry for Paul cause Michelle is the one who keeps getting pressies, but its so much easier to shop for girls, isn't it? ;)
After I was done with the shopping (I just HAD to buy the sonic screwdriver earrings!!) we went into the little museum behind the shop. And yes, it was very, very small but they did have a whole bunch of stuff. And I imagine that most of the costumes were very, very expensive. We were allowed to take pictures with a digital camera but they asked us not to post it online. Which I get, cause there wasn't a lot. worth seeing, and definitely not expensive, but if people post the photos online then no one is gonna wanna go and just buy the who stuff online instead. I don't know if that is the reason, but still..
After that we had some time to kill before we had to go back home so my chauffeur looked up if there were any Disney stores close by. I had to go there so that I could pick up some pressies for the kids and it would be a lot nicer to do that when I had access to a car compared to dragging it around London all day and then take it on the train. So we went to this huuuge shopping mall, we didn't even go through all of it. I found some nice stuff in a store called Dolly Rocker Kids, both for my nieces and for my sister who's going to have her first baby early next year. Picked up some gifts for mom and dad, and some tiny things for the kids in various toy stores. Didn't find what I was looking for at the Disney store, cause it was all sold out, so I had to make do with the next best thing. and to make it easier on everyone the girls got the same thing this year.
I also found my very, very favorite store; Victoria's Secret. Since I lost all that weight I've been having trouble with my bra's, so now I had a chance to get some that actually fit. Bombshells, of course ^^ Or false marketing as my mother likes to call it. I kinda like that description. And so did the girls at the store. Wonderful customer service as always, wonderful girls on the floor and a wonderful, delightful little thing in the fitting room. Turns out I have the same cup-size but I've gone down two sizes around. Yeay! I'm getting thinner!
After that it was time to go home and prepare for the new Doctor Who season at the local cinema in Uckfield. Some things were weird, like they were trying to connect him to much to the 11th doctor, cause there were a lot of comments and things that really wasn't necessary. We still get that its the same Doctor.
I am very happy with Capaldi, I believe he will be an excellent Doctor. I've never doubted that.
However.. What the hell has happened to the Tardis?!?!?! What did they do?!?!?! She just looks fake! The windows looks awful and the color.. The doctor got older but the Tardis got younger and faker. I really, really don't like the new Tardis! :'(
When we got back from the cinema after all the extras we got into bed and they set up the tv for me so I could re watch the episode, with english subtitles this time. Picked up alot of things that I missed the first time. Goddess, my hearing sucks..
See, they were smart enough to record the episode on the telly as well! ^^* Yeay, I'm stayin with smart people!
However, I was soooo tired that I fell asleep right before the end of the epiosde.. shame on me, I know..
On sunday we got kicked out of the house cause the misses was going to entertain her mother so we went on a road trip! Yeay, road trip! A road trip through Sussex. At the speed of light. These Britts are such reckless drivers. I grew up in a country where there can be six different animals that jump out in front of you on your way between work and home. These people drive sooooo fast its freaking ridiculous!
But we did get there. and back. In fact I've spent quite a lot of time in a car since I came to the UK and I'm still alive.
I think.
We saw lots of pretty places and I took lots of pretty photos on our way to Brighton. Quite interesting city that one. And finally I got to see some shops that looked very british. We had lunch and walked around the Lanes for a while before we headed out to the pier. You know, that one that DIDN'T burn down. it was huuuge! freaking huuuge! They had carousels, two arcades (with minions!) and lots and lots of stalls selling sweets and food and just plain old stuff. I actually tried a crepe with strawberrys, creme and custard. (Of course I had to explain the Doctor Who connection to my driver, fish fingers and custards. Still need to try that.)
After a while we went back home, had chinese and watched Oblivion. Scifi movie with whats-his-face. Was ok, I guess. But I don't really like these new hollywood-scifi movies.
Of course I watched Deep Breath one more time before I fell asleep ;)
My first trip to the UK - Day Two, Friday
I woke up at seven but seeing as how I didn't have anything planned for the morning and the fact that I was on vacation I decided that I was going to stay in bed until at least 8 AM. .. At 7;30 I was really, really bored so I got out and started poking at things. My own things mind you. A pair of pants I had to make some improvements to. (AKA remove the Bling from otherwise perfect pants)
After getting ready we took of at lunch to go to Arundel Castle. Both Richard and Bryony came with me and it was really, really lovely. When we came to Arundel there was this huge festival (that I had read, and spoken, about) but Bry seemed to have missed it completely. so it was a surprise for her, a happy one I hope. We got some classic British Pub food, since Elin had insisted that I got that. It was all right. It wasn't as heavenly as Elin had made it out to be, but that was just one place and one meal. Next time I'll take something differently. well see.
After lunch we went over to Arundel castle, which Bry insisted on paying for -.-) and the first thing we see is this, kind of hot guy, standing on the grass with an owl flying around his head. For 2p you got to hold one of the birds and the money went to caring for birdies. I love birdies and these were quite wonderful. such beautiful birds. Bryony slipped me a 2p so I got to hold this lovely thing called Aimee. Huge, but not at all as heavy as I had imagined. only about 1kg. Though my arm did get tired after holding her up for a while. but soooo magnificent. After that we went into the castle it self. beautiful, I'll post some photos and let you be the judge yourself. You are not allowed to take photos in the castle, but you are more then welcome to take pictures in the Keep. I got some great shots of that.
After wandering around for a quite a bit my legs where seriously considering filing for a divorce so we sat down at the cafe for a while before we walked back to the car for a quick chat and then I left for the Shakespeare thing.
I say Shakespeare thing but it was quite, quite wonderful. I love Shakespeare but I've never seen a live performance before. It was Macbeth which is a first. I've never seen that performed, either on stage or on the screen. But it was really, really great. I didn't really appreciate how could it would get once the sun set. I should have brought my gloves, that I did bring to the UK just in case, and a blanket. As it was I had to get up and by a cup of hot chocolate between part I and part II. So it was rather cold which made me wish that time would fly by a bit faster, but the performance was so brilliant that most of the time I did forget to be cold. But then again, Shakespeare and his language have always had a very special affect on my brain.
So kudos to the GB Theater Company. great job guys. And I must say that Alex Gatehouse is a very, very gorgeous man. Sexiest Macduff on the planet ;)
After getting ready we took of at lunch to go to Arundel Castle. Both Richard and Bryony came with me and it was really, really lovely. When we came to Arundel there was this huge festival (that I had read, and spoken, about) but Bry seemed to have missed it completely. so it was a surprise for her, a happy one I hope. We got some classic British Pub food, since Elin had insisted that I got that. It was all right. It wasn't as heavenly as Elin had made it out to be, but that was just one place and one meal. Next time I'll take something differently. well see.
After lunch we went over to Arundel castle, which Bry insisted on paying for -.-) and the first thing we see is this, kind of hot guy, standing on the grass with an owl flying around his head. For 2p you got to hold one of the birds and the money went to caring for birdies. I love birdies and these were quite wonderful. such beautiful birds. Bryony slipped me a 2p so I got to hold this lovely thing called Aimee. Huge, but not at all as heavy as I had imagined. only about 1kg. Though my arm did get tired after holding her up for a while. but soooo magnificent. After that we went into the castle it self. beautiful, I'll post some photos and let you be the judge yourself. You are not allowed to take photos in the castle, but you are more then welcome to take pictures in the Keep. I got some great shots of that.
After wandering around for a quite a bit my legs where seriously considering filing for a divorce so we sat down at the cafe for a while before we walked back to the car for a quick chat and then I left for the Shakespeare thing.
I say Shakespeare thing but it was quite, quite wonderful. I love Shakespeare but I've never seen a live performance before. It was Macbeth which is a first. I've never seen that performed, either on stage or on the screen. But it was really, really great. I didn't really appreciate how could it would get once the sun set. I should have brought my gloves, that I did bring to the UK just in case, and a blanket. As it was I had to get up and by a cup of hot chocolate between part I and part II. So it was rather cold which made me wish that time would fly by a bit faster, but the performance was so brilliant that most of the time I did forget to be cold. But then again, Shakespeare and his language have always had a very special affect on my brain.
So kudos to the GB Theater Company. great job guys. And I must say that Alex Gatehouse is a very, very gorgeous man. Sexiest Macduff on the planet ;)
My first trip to the UK - Day one, Thursday
I spent an awful lot of time preparing for the UK. far more so than Chicago. I had a special notebook with all the stores and castles and museums that I wanted to see. And a map. A map over London where I marked it all out. Green for stores and blue for museums. Bloody brilliant! That way I could plan what part of the city I was going to this time. So it was a very good idea. I gotta pat myself on the shoulder for that. An even better idea would have been to actually bring it with me.. Alas, it is still at home. All good though. I phones my mom and had her take photos of the list and send them to me ^^*
So there I was, on a plane to the UK, after only two days in Sweden. I cant say I'm looking forward to going back and heading back to work.. .
The trip was okay. I mean, it wasn't high class, it was cheap, that's why I could afford it. but It was all right. and it was only about two hours and 20 minutes. so it was all good. I got through security.. well, not quickly cause there was ridiculously many people trying to get in to the UK, but I did get through. and I got my luggage right away. Interesting thing about my luggage. I could actually fit basically everything except for my makeup bag in the carry on luggage. Which I then put in the suitcase. so all I really had to carry around at the airport was my purse. So much easier. and lots, and lots of room for the things I'm going to buy ^^
Rich asked me to send a text when I got my bag so that he could "stop snoozing over his coffee" and start looking for me. So that's what I did. "Wake up, dude. The bitch is in the UK." It seemed to work cause he was waiting as soon as I got through customs.
Crazy car trip back to Uckfield (Yes, I do agree with Elin. British people drive ridiculously fast) and I got to see Bryony again. So lovely. And I have managed to get by on my English pretty good. So far people seem to understand me most of the time. nice afternoon, some grocery shopping, talking, feeding the neighbors cat ;) Then it was time for bed. fairly early for me but I was rather tired. I have been quite busy the last week after all.
So there I was, on a plane to the UK, after only two days in Sweden. I cant say I'm looking forward to going back and heading back to work.. .
The trip was okay. I mean, it wasn't high class, it was cheap, that's why I could afford it. but It was all right. and it was only about two hours and 20 minutes. so it was all good. I got through security.. well, not quickly cause there was ridiculously many people trying to get in to the UK, but I did get through. and I got my luggage right away. Interesting thing about my luggage. I could actually fit basically everything except for my makeup bag in the carry on luggage. Which I then put in the suitcase. so all I really had to carry around at the airport was my purse. So much easier. and lots, and lots of room for the things I'm going to buy ^^
Rich asked me to send a text when I got my bag so that he could "stop snoozing over his coffee" and start looking for me. So that's what I did. "Wake up, dude. The bitch is in the UK." It seemed to work cause he was waiting as soon as I got through customs.
Crazy car trip back to Uckfield (Yes, I do agree with Elin. British people drive ridiculously fast) and I got to see Bryony again. So lovely. And I have managed to get by on my English pretty good. So far people seem to understand me most of the time. nice afternoon, some grocery shopping, talking, feeding the neighbors cat ;) Then it was time for bed. fairly early for me but I was rather tired. I have been quite busy the last week after all.
SGCHI Stargate Convention in Chicago Post-Con
The trip home was.. interesting. Once again, Cora and I ended up sitting right next to each other but now SHE was the one acting like a giggly five year old. Sometimes I almost thought that she was hiding a wine bottle in her bag or something. It was different, and extremely entertaining.
But it was still a long trip. A very long trip. Once we got back home, Me, Cora and the Ninth Doctor, it was time to say one last goodbye. Cora had to get on her plane to Frankfurt and I had to get my luggage and go home.
Which was easier said then done. I got my bag right away but I couldn't really get out of the airport. they rebuilt it and they apparently forgot to put up decent signs. I could get out of the freaking airport! Seriously! What the heck?!?!
So that went a little so-so.. But it worked out eventually. I found mom, get in to the car and got home, after a few stops along the way.
Once I got home it was about 11 am Swedish time, 5 am american time. I was sooo freaking tired. Tried to stay up but after a warm shower I dozed off on the couch. Woke up and let the kitty in, who was sooooo trilled to see me after five days, and then we both cuddled an slept on the couch until it was time to go to bed and cuddle there. It was quite clear that she had missed me, because she spent all night sleeping in the bed with me. Usually she sleeps in her own bed, but she had missed me.
The next day I basically spent packing for the UK trip. There was a slight hiccup and one of my friends ended up taking me to the airport instead of my dad. But it worked out fine :)
But it was still a long trip. A very long trip. Once we got back home, Me, Cora and the Ninth Doctor, it was time to say one last goodbye. Cora had to get on her plane to Frankfurt and I had to get my luggage and go home.
Which was easier said then done. I got my bag right away but I couldn't really get out of the airport. they rebuilt it and they apparently forgot to put up decent signs. I could get out of the freaking airport! Seriously! What the heck?!?!
So that went a little so-so.. But it worked out eventually. I found mom, get in to the car and got home, after a few stops along the way.
Once I got home it was about 11 am Swedish time, 5 am american time. I was sooo freaking tired. Tried to stay up but after a warm shower I dozed off on the couch. Woke up and let the kitty in, who was sooooo trilled to see me after five days, and then we both cuddled an slept on the couch until it was time to go to bed and cuddle there. It was quite clear that she had missed me, because she spent all night sleeping in the bed with me. Usually she sleeps in her own bed, but she had missed me.
The next day I basically spent packing for the UK trip. There was a slight hiccup and one of my friends ended up taking me to the airport instead of my dad. But it worked out fine :)
#SGCHI Stargate Convention in Chicago Day 5 Monday
I got up early, really early, in order to get the bedroom to myself so that I could see as many of my friends off as possible. I think I was down at the lobby at about 7:20-ish in the morning. The morning was kind of okay actually. I hooked up with a lot of different friends, talking about the weekend and so on.
and then.. THEN it was time for a trip on a motorcycle. Some friends of mine actually came to the con on motorcycles and one of them promised me a ride. apparently it is legal to ride without a helmet in some states but I definitely wanted one. So they were kind enough to lend me one. Now. I had thought that he was just gonna take me around the hotel but we actually ended up going for a real trip. it was awesome! Absolutely awesome! Afterwards I had four people staring at me in the lobby with huge grins on their faces because I was so happy and giddy and bouncy! I love it! I really, really loved it! We got some nice photos and then, unfortunately it was time for my friends to go home. Two of my favorite people, people I've known the longest, goes home on the same shuttle! Of course I started crying.. badly. and I hate crying in public. I hate letting people see me cry. I. Do. Not. Cry. In font. of People. Except at conventions apparently.
So there I am, trying to compose myself and I look over at two of my friends looking over at Me, looking a bit well.. uncomfortable. My thought is, "Brilliant. Big strong men getting uncomfortable because a girl is crying." That wasn't it.. once I'd gotten myself under control and went over to join them one of them starts with "I know you don't really wanna hear this but.." They're leaving too! What the?!?!
worst day ever.. after that I hang out with some friend and then my roommates decides to take me out to lunch. They let me stay in their room for free and now their paying for lunch.. really?! but they insisted.. -.-
and then.. THEN it was time for a trip on a motorcycle. Some friends of mine actually came to the con on motorcycles and one of them promised me a ride. apparently it is legal to ride without a helmet in some states but I definitely wanted one. So they were kind enough to lend me one. Now. I had thought that he was just gonna take me around the hotel but we actually ended up going for a real trip. it was awesome! Absolutely awesome! Afterwards I had four people staring at me in the lobby with huge grins on their faces because I was so happy and giddy and bouncy! I love it! I really, really loved it! We got some nice photos and then, unfortunately it was time for my friends to go home. Two of my favorite people, people I've known the longest, goes home on the same shuttle! Of course I started crying.. badly. and I hate crying in public. I hate letting people see me cry. I. Do. Not. Cry. In font. of People. Except at conventions apparently.
So there I am, trying to compose myself and I look over at two of my friends looking over at Me, looking a bit well.. uncomfortable. My thought is, "Brilliant. Big strong men getting uncomfortable because a girl is crying." That wasn't it.. once I'd gotten myself under control and went over to join them one of them starts with "I know you don't really wanna hear this but.." They're leaving too! What the?!?!
worst day ever.. after that I hang out with some friend and then my roommates decides to take me out to lunch. They let me stay in their room for free and now their paying for lunch.. really?! but they insisted.. -.-
#SGCHI Stargate Convention in Chicago Day 4 Sunday
Sunday. What did I do on sunday? I woke up fairly early and atleast attempted to clean up my side of the room a bit. well, at least I was going to attempt it. I swear!
I got all dolled up and got down in time for my photo op with Teryl. After that I was mostly just floating around with everyone until it was time for photo ops with Alex (I got one normal one and one.. .. brilliant one!), the duo and a picture with Dan! ^^ I headed up and got them signed, and Alex signed the three ones from Friday as well, and then it was time for Connor Trinneer's panel. One thing that really stood out was when someone asked if he did anything else "artsy" besides action. music, painting and such. He answered somewhere along the line of "Reading is an art". So I ran upstairs, got two books from my room, and got an awesome photo op with him where we are reading back to back. I really think its the best photo of me that I have. You know, since I'm in my natural element. ^^* So I love it, thank you Connor!
Once again I hung out with my friends for a while, got some more pictures of us together, and of course I tried to get as many hugs as possible since I wont be seeing them or getting all that many hugs for an entire year.. Then it was time for Michael Shank's panel. Always good fun, and he does make the best "thinking" faces. I did end up sitting at row D, since two of my friends where not going to use their seats. Bloody brilliant!!
After that we got down to get in line for Michael's photo op. The line was ridiculous, much like Jason's. However... while I was in line two of my friends came up and told me they were leaving. Great. perfect timing. I was gonna cry during my photo op with Michael. just perfect. Though one of them did take care of that. I was wearing my new corset during the weekend and it does have this teeny, tiny pocket. its adorable, but you cant really fit anything in it. but its adorable.Just as a joke, and because he has that kind of humor, I told him that I could always fit a condom. So what does he do? He gets a freaking condom and, apparently, spends the weekend trying to put it in my pockets. So there we are, standing in line, at least 100 people behind me and about half of that in front of me and he stretches out his hand and tries to give me a condom. Oh. My. Goddess. Seriously?! So he got me laughing in stead, so I did manage to get through the photo op. After the photo op it was time for Teryl Rothery to hit the stage. and for another friend, and his lovely girlfriend, to say goodbye. Since they left I got to sit next to one of my friends on row C. See, I kept advancing. I almost felt like a rich girl who can afford Gold ;)
Teryl was wonderful, delightful, sweet and so, so adorable. So despite the fact that I could quite stop crying I was laughing and having a good time. After that there was the upgrade, the picking up Shanks photo, though I didn't really have to cause one of my friends picked it up for me and handed it to me with a wonderful, deep bow. why cant boys back home do that? ;) Then it was group shots and lots of saying good bye.
I agreed to go out with some friends to "downtown" Chicago and have pizza at this restaurant that apparently had the best pizza in town. Now, I say pizza, but really its more like a very thick pie. Very, very thick. The trip was awful though. First a tiny train that went into tunnels and underground. My claustrophobia loved that one. I have three problems. tight spaces, bridges and water. so after hyperventilating after the train ( which one of my friends managed to put a stop to by covering poor Cliff Simon in chocolate and puppies) I was supposed to cross a long bridge over water.. thank you for that, love -.- But the pizza was tasty. Once we got inside ;)
I got all dolled up and got down in time for my photo op with Teryl. After that I was mostly just floating around with everyone until it was time for photo ops with Alex (I got one normal one and one.. .. brilliant one!), the duo and a picture with Dan! ^^ I headed up and got them signed, and Alex signed the three ones from Friday as well, and then it was time for Connor Trinneer's panel. One thing that really stood out was when someone asked if he did anything else "artsy" besides action. music, painting and such. He answered somewhere along the line of "Reading is an art". So I ran upstairs, got two books from my room, and got an awesome photo op with him where we are reading back to back. I really think its the best photo of me that I have. You know, since I'm in my natural element. ^^* So I love it, thank you Connor!
Once again I hung out with my friends for a while, got some more pictures of us together, and of course I tried to get as many hugs as possible since I wont be seeing them or getting all that many hugs for an entire year.. Then it was time for Michael Shank's panel. Always good fun, and he does make the best "thinking" faces. I did end up sitting at row D, since two of my friends where not going to use their seats. Bloody brilliant!!
After that we got down to get in line for Michael's photo op. The line was ridiculous, much like Jason's. However... while I was in line two of my friends came up and told me they were leaving. Great. perfect timing. I was gonna cry during my photo op with Michael. just perfect. Though one of them did take care of that. I was wearing my new corset during the weekend and it does have this teeny, tiny pocket. its adorable, but you cant really fit anything in it. but its adorable.Just as a joke, and because he has that kind of humor, I told him that I could always fit a condom. So what does he do? He gets a freaking condom and, apparently, spends the weekend trying to put it in my pockets. So there we are, standing in line, at least 100 people behind me and about half of that in front of me and he stretches out his hand and tries to give me a condom. Oh. My. Goddess. Seriously?! So he got me laughing in stead, so I did manage to get through the photo op. After the photo op it was time for Teryl Rothery to hit the stage. and for another friend, and his lovely girlfriend, to say goodbye. Since they left I got to sit next to one of my friends on row C. See, I kept advancing. I almost felt like a rich girl who can afford Gold ;)
Teryl was wonderful, delightful, sweet and so, so adorable. So despite the fact that I could quite stop crying I was laughing and having a good time. After that there was the upgrade, the picking up Shanks photo, though I didn't really have to cause one of my friends picked it up for me and handed it to me with a wonderful, deep bow. why cant boys back home do that? ;) Then it was group shots and lots of saying good bye.
I agreed to go out with some friends to "downtown" Chicago and have pizza at this restaurant that apparently had the best pizza in town. Now, I say pizza, but really its more like a very thick pie. Very, very thick. The trip was awful though. First a tiny train that went into tunnels and underground. My claustrophobia loved that one. I have three problems. tight spaces, bridges and water. so after hyperventilating after the train ( which one of my friends managed to put a stop to by covering poor Cliff Simon in chocolate and puppies) I was supposed to cross a long bridge over water.. thank you for that, love -.- But the pizza was tasty. Once we got inside ;)
#SGCHI Stargate Convention in Chicago Day 3 Saturday
Saturday started out fairly normal. Que to the bathroom due to the fact that there was four girls sharing one bathroom, but it all worked out just fine ^^*
It was time for The Day. The day that I wore my first Cosplay outfit in public for the first time. I was sooo nervous. I actually considered backing out of it but my room mates insisted. So off I went.. Long nails meant I had to get help with some of the jewelry though. Thankfully I have great friends.
I got down to do the Photo op with Paul and David (which turned out great) and then I got into the theater to wait for Cliff Simon ^^ Awesome panel, as always, some great question and lots of awesomeness from Simon. I had a short break before my photo op with him so I went strolling the hallway. Which was kind of weird. much, much weirder than I had imagined. People kept asking me if they could take my photo. I really only made the dress for my photo op with Cliff and its my first one so I didn't really consider the fact that people would love it. but they apparently did.
Once it was time for my photo op Id gotten quite used to the dress and for once I had an idea for the photo op. I explained to him that since I was the new host for Ba'al to hide from the SGC in, I had to get rid of the old host cause he knew to much. So if it wasn't to much of a trouble, would he be alright with going down on his knees and let me strangle him? It was in fact not to much of a trouble, and the photo turned out great, him on his knees choking and me standing there absentmindedly checking my nails. Such a cool photo! And he wrote "Domination!" on the photo op when he signed it! :D I got a "normal" photo of the too of us and "Samantha Carter" lent me her Goa'uld symbiot to hold! I swear, I have the best and the coolest friends in the world!
Then I spent some more time meeting up with "Samantha Carter" and "Teal'c" for some amazing photos. Both for us and for other people. It got a bit intense for a while, it actually kicked my stage fright thingy into high-gear. I got sweaty, dizzy and my vision got a bit blurry. So we took a break.
Next up was Joe, David and Paul on stage. They spent about as much time bitching to and about each other as they did answering questions. All good fun. After that, there was lots and lots of more photos taken of us and of our friends. A new friend of mine invited me to do the Goa'uld duo photo with him, which was really sweet and sooo cool. Cliff, me, "Teal'c" and Jacqueline in one photo. And I'm holding "Samantha Carters" symbiot. Lots of Goa'ulds in one photo ;)
Then it was time for Jason Momoa to hit the stage. I had my seat all the way back at Q but a very sweet boy gave me access to a unused seat on row M, which is the front row of silver. Much appreciated. First of all I got closer to the stage, but since its the first silver row there is a lot more leg-room before the last row of gold. More room around me means less stress because of closeness. It was kind of fun. Jason got to show off his mom. ^^* And he pulled mini-Ronon on stage for some photos. always fun when kids gets to do stuff they love.
After that there was the costume parade. I knew it was a stupid idea -.- But I had "teal'c" on one side and my roomie on the other making sure I didn't shake out of my very, very high shoes. I took my glasses off, I had this theory that I would get less nervous if I couldn't see everyone. didn't really work.. but you know.. A for effort and all that.. I didn't manage to get back on stage for the group photo though. one step at the time. Once that ordeal was over with it was 6;30. which is when David Hewlett's photo op started.
so I had to run upstairs and get out of my dress. On my own. This is a very, very tight dress and I'm not supposed to even attempt this on my own. but I forgot. see, I'm not really used to people undressing me :P But somehow I managed. Out of the dress and into the corset and down to the photo op room. see, I had promised a friend that I would do a devil/angel photo with her and David. I go there in time but I had to have one of my friends to tie to corset for me. Always nice when you can get a guy to tie your corsets. sound so much better ;)
I was, of course, wearing the devil horns while my friend was wearing a gloria. Stuff that she brought. I built on that a bit. Most american hotels have bibles in the rooms, and so did this. so she was good. but the devil needed something. so I basically walked into the bar and asked if I could have an empty bottle of alcohol. After convincing them that I was not joking, she did give me a big bottle that used to contain vodka. Swedish vodka. which people actually had to point out to me.. silly goose. but the photo turned out great! I got a normal one of me and David too.
And then it was time for autographs. I got Cliff to sign the super cool photo and then I had two photo ops from a precious convention that I got Paul to sign since I had two free autographs with him using my too silver/thingy's. Row Q and Row M, remember? After that my babysitter decided that it was time to feed me again and we ended up getting another salad.
It was time for The Day. The day that I wore my first Cosplay outfit in public for the first time. I was sooo nervous. I actually considered backing out of it but my room mates insisted. So off I went.. Long nails meant I had to get help with some of the jewelry though. Thankfully I have great friends.
I got down to do the Photo op with Paul and David (which turned out great) and then I got into the theater to wait for Cliff Simon ^^ Awesome panel, as always, some great question and lots of awesomeness from Simon. I had a short break before my photo op with him so I went strolling the hallway. Which was kind of weird. much, much weirder than I had imagined. People kept asking me if they could take my photo. I really only made the dress for my photo op with Cliff and its my first one so I didn't really consider the fact that people would love it. but they apparently did.
Once it was time for my photo op Id gotten quite used to the dress and for once I had an idea for the photo op. I explained to him that since I was the new host for Ba'al to hide from the SGC in, I had to get rid of the old host cause he knew to much. So if it wasn't to much of a trouble, would he be alright with going down on his knees and let me strangle him? It was in fact not to much of a trouble, and the photo turned out great, him on his knees choking and me standing there absentmindedly checking my nails. Such a cool photo! And he wrote "Domination!" on the photo op when he signed it! :D I got a "normal" photo of the too of us and "Samantha Carter" lent me her Goa'uld symbiot to hold! I swear, I have the best and the coolest friends in the world!
Then I spent some more time meeting up with "Samantha Carter" and "Teal'c" for some amazing photos. Both for us and for other people. It got a bit intense for a while, it actually kicked my stage fright thingy into high-gear. I got sweaty, dizzy and my vision got a bit blurry. So we took a break.
Next up was Joe, David and Paul on stage. They spent about as much time bitching to and about each other as they did answering questions. All good fun. After that, there was lots and lots of more photos taken of us and of our friends. A new friend of mine invited me to do the Goa'uld duo photo with him, which was really sweet and sooo cool. Cliff, me, "Teal'c" and Jacqueline in one photo. And I'm holding "Samantha Carters" symbiot. Lots of Goa'ulds in one photo ;)
Then it was time for Jason Momoa to hit the stage. I had my seat all the way back at Q but a very sweet boy gave me access to a unused seat on row M, which is the front row of silver. Much appreciated. First of all I got closer to the stage, but since its the first silver row there is a lot more leg-room before the last row of gold. More room around me means less stress because of closeness. It was kind of fun. Jason got to show off his mom. ^^* And he pulled mini-Ronon on stage for some photos. always fun when kids gets to do stuff they love.
After that there was the costume parade. I knew it was a stupid idea -.- But I had "teal'c" on one side and my roomie on the other making sure I didn't shake out of my very, very high shoes. I took my glasses off, I had this theory that I would get less nervous if I couldn't see everyone. didn't really work.. but you know.. A for effort and all that.. I didn't manage to get back on stage for the group photo though. one step at the time. Once that ordeal was over with it was 6;30. which is when David Hewlett's photo op started.
so I had to run upstairs and get out of my dress. On my own. This is a very, very tight dress and I'm not supposed to even attempt this on my own. but I forgot. see, I'm not really used to people undressing me :P But somehow I managed. Out of the dress and into the corset and down to the photo op room. see, I had promised a friend that I would do a devil/angel photo with her and David. I go there in time but I had to have one of my friends to tie to corset for me. Always nice when you can get a guy to tie your corsets. sound so much better ;)
I was, of course, wearing the devil horns while my friend was wearing a gloria. Stuff that she brought. I built on that a bit. Most american hotels have bibles in the rooms, and so did this. so she was good. but the devil needed something. so I basically walked into the bar and asked if I could have an empty bottle of alcohol. After convincing them that I was not joking, she did give me a big bottle that used to contain vodka. Swedish vodka. which people actually had to point out to me.. silly goose. but the photo turned out great! I got a normal one of me and David too.
And then it was time for autographs. I got Cliff to sign the super cool photo and then I had two photo ops from a precious convention that I got Paul to sign since I had two free autographs with him using my too silver/thingy's. Row Q and Row M, remember? After that my babysitter decided that it was time to feed me again and we ended up getting another salad.
#SGCHI Stargate Convention in Chicago Day 2 Friday
I totaly forgot to set my alarm when I went to sleep, but fortunately I have two roommates, one who likes to take a long bath in the morning so he actually gets up a bit earlier so that he has the time for that. Which means I woke up when he got up. That works just fine by me. I just snoozed until I actually had to get up and get ready. I hadnt really planned the clothes thing the way I usually do, I just knew that I was going to wear my Ba´al dress during my photo op with Cliff, but eventually I decided on the sailor dress. The new one. All cute and fluffy. That might have been the sentence I used the most during the con. "Its so fluffy!" I do loooooooove the frilly skirts.

I did bring a whole lot of candy for the con and used alot of it to "pay" for my room and the rest I split up in different piles, one for each person who asked for candy. The registration went as usuall, I ran into a whole bunch of people that I knew. Lots of hugs and kisses and squeels from me. I even managed to run in my heals! I also brought a gift for one of my favorite people. I asked her for her favorite Doctor Who quote and ended up making my very first cross stitch pattern. I did mess it up a bit, so I might end up making her a new one. We´ll see. Since I didnt want her to be forced to run around with it all day I went down to the lobby and called them to get theire room number before I ran upstairs for my hugs. They had brought a gift for me as well. First of all I gotta mention the bag it came in. One of those fabric-bags with a print on it, kinda cute and old fashioned looking but I didnt really think about what it said until later that night. Nancy Drew. I loved those books as a kid! But in sweden her name isnt Nancy and the books aint called Nancy Drew. In sweden her name is Kitty Drew (I have no idea why, because that is not a swedish name) and the books are refered to as Kitty books. But in the bag. Oh. My. Gods. It was a beautiful, wonderful book about Nikola Tesla!! These people know me so well!
I did bring a whole lot of candy for the con and used alot of it to "pay" for my room and the rest I split up in different piles, one for each person who asked for candy. The registration went as usuall, I ran into a whole bunch of people that I knew. Lots of hugs and kisses and squeels from me. I even managed to run in my heals! I also brought a gift for one of my favorite people. I asked her for her favorite Doctor Who quote and ended up making my very first cross stitch pattern. I did mess it up a bit, so I might end up making her a new one. We´ll see. Since I didnt want her to be forced to run around with it all day I went down to the lobby and called them to get theire room number before I ran upstairs for my hugs. They had brought a gift for me as well. First of all I gotta mention the bag it came in. One of those fabric-bags with a print on it, kinda cute and old fashioned looking but I didnt really think about what it said until later that night. Nancy Drew. I loved those books as a kid! But in sweden her name isnt Nancy and the books aint called Nancy Drew. In sweden her name is Kitty Drew (I have no idea why, because that is not a swedish name) and the books are refered to as Kitty books. But in the bag. Oh. My. Gods. It was a beautiful, wonderful book about Nikola Tesla!! These people know me so well!
We went through the vendors room and I picked up a whole bunch of SG novels. Apparently they reprinted the onces who had been out of print for so long. I´m glad I didnt buy the few I found online becouse the prices were freaking ridiculous. I didnt really find anything else that I wanted in there thought.
The panels were Gary Chalk, Alex Zahara & Dan Payne, Gary Jones and Tony Amendola. All good fun. Some great stories, questions and Oh! Squirrel!
And Gary had a treat for us! He actually got to keep his uniform from SG and he brought it with him! He wore that in the photo ops!!
Of course I ended up doing both the single photo ops as well as the Duo with Dan and Alex. Alex decided to goof of. Really, really goof off. I paid for one photo op, but I ended up with three. I had no idea what he was doing but after the last one he said "I´m so sorry, that was dirty". Can you imagine how freaking much I wanted to see what the heck he did?! And they turned out AWESOME! And Dan is so much fun. Always so funny and always so kind and gentle.
I got adopted by, like, four new people this year and I also got a new babysitter. One who didn't seem quite fond of my eating habit (or lack of) during the cons so he insisted on feeding me. Apparently the americans make pretty wicked salads, not just pizza.
#SGCHI Stargate Convention in Chicgo Day 1 Thursday
Those of you who knows me knows that Im a very organized person. So naturally, I hadn't even started packing the day before I was supposed to leave sweden. I did finish.. sort of on time. I mean, I wasn't late to the flight or anything. At midnight I figured that I might have to give it a rest and go to sleep since I was supposed to get up at four. So.. naturally, I stayed up for another 40 minutes. I know, Im so freakin bad. When I was going to my first con I was packed almost a week before I was supposed to leave. This is so bad…
I did get out of bed on time, finished the last of the packing and chores, had breakfast and cuddled with my cat before mom showed up to drive me to the airport. a very interesting flight. I was bouncing the entire trip. Mom probably thought that I was sooo annoying. In other words, all was normal.
Once at the airport I went all Hobbit and had a second breakfast before I headed for the Gate to wait for Cora. A sweet german chick with just the right kind of attitude. We booked our tickets several months apart and didn't really talk to each other about it, and yet, we manage to end up going on the same day, same flight and on the same row. There was ONE seat between us. How about that? Thats amazing.
The guy who had that seat didn't have a problem swapping with me, so all was good.. We geeked out for a bit, probably freaking everyone else out and then we tried to keep ourselves entertained. for over 9 freaking hours.
Music, some sleeping, cross stitching, watching supernatural conventions, complaining about the food, the service.. you know, basic things. Cora really, really wasn't happy with the company we were using. Im swedish, so Im kind of used to crappy service.
When we got to the airport we were so tired. made a really, really quick stop at the ladies room before going through security. I was a bit surprised at how fast we got through that. but apparently not fast enough. once we got out our bags weren't there. they had already been taken away because no one claimed that and no one could tell us where to freaking find them! seriously! everyone kept saying that it wasn't their department. fat good of help they were.. freaking O'Hare. eventually, after at least an hour of stumbling around asking questions that didn't get answered we managed to find them. we were so ready to go to the hotel so we went to call for a shuttle to pick us up. last year they just lent me a phone at the reception. this year we got a little not with the number and they pointed out where the pay phones were. and the pay phones MIGHT even take credit card. we didn't have any freaking money. at least not in that currency. so we decided to drag out heavy bags with us to a different part of the airport where the shuttle showed up without you having to call. it was quite a walk and my little feet where so tired and fed up with that shit. once we got there however, we had our first trike of luck. we arrived just as the shuttle was going to leave. the driver was really sweet and just got back out and helped us with our bags. by then, my only thought was "I want to go home." because I was so sick of all the problems with the airline and the luggage and O'Hare.
that changed once we got to the hotel though. Both my lovely roommates were waiting for me and I also met an old friend from precious cons and hearing the wonderful, wonderful scottish accent after a day like that was just heavenly.
Now this is the problem with me not bringing my laptop and writing this down right away. I´m getting old, so my memory sucks. And I just to have so much potential.. or something like that.
I´m pretty shure I just spent the rest of the day at the room with my roommates unpacking and talking, but you know.. the memory thing and then there´s.. Oh! Squirrel!
Once I was unpacked I ironed my dresses and then I took a bath. I do love bathtubs, I really, really do and I wish I could fit one into my bathroom. After that I was sooo, soo tired. Id been up for so long so I just got into my huuuge bed and fell asleep, despite the fact that the others was still up and about. normally I have trouble sleeping in new places and with new people but I don't even remember finishing the first song on the MP3 player.
I did get out of bed on time, finished the last of the packing and chores, had breakfast and cuddled with my cat before mom showed up to drive me to the airport. a very interesting flight. I was bouncing the entire trip. Mom probably thought that I was sooo annoying. In other words, all was normal.
Once at the airport I went all Hobbit and had a second breakfast before I headed for the Gate to wait for Cora. A sweet german chick with just the right kind of attitude. We booked our tickets several months apart and didn't really talk to each other about it, and yet, we manage to end up going on the same day, same flight and on the same row. There was ONE seat between us. How about that? Thats amazing.
The guy who had that seat didn't have a problem swapping with me, so all was good.. We geeked out for a bit, probably freaking everyone else out and then we tried to keep ourselves entertained. for over 9 freaking hours.
Music, some sleeping, cross stitching, watching supernatural conventions, complaining about the food, the service.. you know, basic things. Cora really, really wasn't happy with the company we were using. Im swedish, so Im kind of used to crappy service.
When we got to the airport we were so tired. made a really, really quick stop at the ladies room before going through security. I was a bit surprised at how fast we got through that. but apparently not fast enough. once we got out our bags weren't there. they had already been taken away because no one claimed that and no one could tell us where to freaking find them! seriously! everyone kept saying that it wasn't their department. fat good of help they were.. freaking O'Hare. eventually, after at least an hour of stumbling around asking questions that didn't get answered we managed to find them. we were so ready to go to the hotel so we went to call for a shuttle to pick us up. last year they just lent me a phone at the reception. this year we got a little not with the number and they pointed out where the pay phones were. and the pay phones MIGHT even take credit card. we didn't have any freaking money. at least not in that currency. so we decided to drag out heavy bags with us to a different part of the airport where the shuttle showed up without you having to call. it was quite a walk and my little feet where so tired and fed up with that shit. once we got there however, we had our first trike of luck. we arrived just as the shuttle was going to leave. the driver was really sweet and just got back out and helped us with our bags. by then, my only thought was "I want to go home." because I was so sick of all the problems with the airline and the luggage and O'Hare.
that changed once we got to the hotel though. Both my lovely roommates were waiting for me and I also met an old friend from precious cons and hearing the wonderful, wonderful scottish accent after a day like that was just heavenly.
Now this is the problem with me not bringing my laptop and writing this down right away. I´m getting old, so my memory sucks. And I just to have so much potential.. or something like that.
I´m pretty shure I just spent the rest of the day at the room with my roommates unpacking and talking, but you know.. the memory thing and then there´s.. Oh! Squirrel!
Once I was unpacked I ironed my dresses and then I took a bath. I do love bathtubs, I really, really do and I wish I could fit one into my bathroom. After that I was sooo, soo tired. Id been up for so long so I just got into my huuuge bed and fell asleep, despite the fact that the others was still up and about. normally I have trouble sleeping in new places and with new people but I don't even remember finishing the first song on the MP3 player.
My London To-Do-List
Mind the gap : En annorlunda reseguide
Sara Starkström
Fick in en underbar liten bok till jobbet idag och jag hittade genast favoriter som jag direkt ville lägga till min Att-göra-lista, men sedan insåg jag att det var lika bra att göra en helt egen lista.
..För jag är ju lite känd för mina listor..
London To-Do-List
Private Classic mini Cooper tour of London. Guidad tur i en Mr. Bean bil ^^*
London Walks
London Walks
Phantom of the Opera - Her majesty´s Theatre
Victor Wynd´s Little shop of horrors
Sylvanian Families
Blade Rubber Stamps
Hope & Greenwood
The Christmas Shop
Horniman Museum
Dennis Severs House
Science Museum
Charles Dickens Museum
Florence Nightingale Museum
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
The Sherlock Holmes Museum
Barbican Centre´s Conservatory
Kyoto Garden
The Anchor & Hope
Imperal China
The Big Red Pizza Bus
Sarastro Restaurant
Gilgamesh Restaurant
The Breakfast Club
Gay´s the Word
Maggs Bros ltd
The Royal Hospital Museum
Ronnie Scott´s Jazz Club
Soho´s Secret Tea Room
Café de Paris
Rio´s Naturist Spa
Hunterian Museum
The Shard
Ripley´s Believe it or not
Crystal Palace Dinosaurs
The Royal observatory
The Pelicans at St.James´s Park
I´d love to sit down at the Vauxhall´s pleasure garden and Speaker´s Corner sound fun. I can talk about scifi shows to my hearts content as long as the cops dont stop me ;)
I have also heard a lot about the Skelanimal store and there is supposed to be a street with a few Lolita-themed stores. <3 nbsp="">3>
I have also heard a lot about the Skelanimal store and there is supposed to be a street with a few Lolita-themed stores. <3 nbsp="">3>
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