

Revolver (2005)

Your mind will not accept a game this big.

"After seven years in solitary, Jake Green is released from prison. In the next two years, he amasses a lot of money by gambling. He's ready to seek his revenge on Dorothy (Mr. D) Macha, a violence-prone casino owner who sent Jake to prison. He humiliates Macha in front of Macha's lieutenants, leaves, and keels over. Doctors tell him he has a rare disease and will die in three days; Macha also puts a hit out on him. Loan sharks, Zack and Avi, demand Jake's cash and complete fealty in return for protection. Jake complies, and through narration and flashbacks, we watch him through at least three days of schemes, danger, and redemption. Who is his greatest enemy?"

Helt underbar film som fick mig att titta utan att jag riktigt förstod varför. Hade jag haft mindre tålamod så hade jag nog stängt av, för det var förvirrande och pga ett annorlunda upplägg var det svårt att få ett grepp och en egentlig story.
Efter ett tag så slutade jag titta för att få veta vad den handlade om, utan tittade för att få veta hur det skulle sluta. På ett helt jävla underbart sätt.
Frasse och Jäger hade legat och sovit vid mina fötter under filmen men flög upp som små jehun och stirrade när jag började asgarva i slutet och inte kunde sluta.
Väldigt mycket psykologi och trick. Påminde lite om Hard Candy i och med att det alltid var något bakom det kort man trott var det rätta. När man precis tänkt; "Aha! Det är SÅ det ligger till" så knäpper dom med fingrarna och visar att så var det inte alls, utan det kan kanske vara så här eller så där. Helt underbart.

Jake Green: One thing I've learned in the last seven years: in every game and con there's always an opponent, and there's always a victim. The trick is to know when you're the latter, so you can become the former.

Jake Green: There is something about yourself that you don't know. Something that you will deny even exists, until it's too late to do anything about it. It's the only reason you get up in the morning. The only reason you suffer the shitty puss, the blood, the sweat and the tears. This is because you want people to know how good, attractive, generous, funny, wild and clever you really are. Fear or revere me, but please, think I'm special. We share an addiction. We're approval junkies. We're all in it for the slap on the back and the gold watch. The hip-hip-hoo-fuckin' rah. Look at the clever boy with the badge, polishing his trophy. Shine on you crazy diamond, because we're just monkeys wrapped in suits, begging for the approval of others.

Jake Green: No.
Zach: Did you get anything from Horwitz?
Jake Green: No.
Zach: Why not?
Jake Green: Because he didn't have it.
Zach: Listen, pal. Either he pays or you pay.
Jake Green: I pay anyway.
Zach: Don't be a smartass.

Jake Green: Oh, I know you're still there... cause I can feel you dying. I can hear you tapping me... for a little nutrition. Now who's looking for a fix? It gets a little tight in here, do you? Well, you're not wrong... cause the walls are moving in. No food here. Not today, sunshine. My eyes are open and the restaurant's closed. Jog on. Slide off. Find someone else to fill your pipe. Someone, who won't see you coming... or know, when you're there.

Macha: Jesus Paul! Why don't you just fucking rape me?

Macha: The consequences can... kiss... my... black... ass!

Jake Green: The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.

Avi: Checkmate.

Push (2009)

One push can change everything.

Har lite ont om tid och Ali kommer in på bokia och stör mig med jämta mellanrum (när han får för tråkigt för att stå i sin egen butik).. och när man talar om trollen.
Ali kom in och petade och klagade lite.. som alltid :P Jag förstår inte varför han ser det som ett problem när jag skuttar under ett glädjande samtalsämne.
Hur som haver. Push.
En väldigt intressant scifi film med lite lätt marvel känsla. Människor med olika sorterst krafter, pushers som brukar telekenesi, bleeders som skriker så pass högt att de krossar glas och skadar människor genom att få dem att blöda, watchers som ser möjliga vägar framtiden kan ta osv..
Filmen kretsar kring Nick som är andra generationens Mover och som såg sin far bli mördar av institutionen som hävdar äganderätt över alla "speciella" människor. Underbar start inte sant? Man känner verkligen att institutionen och deras "sniffer", män och kvinnor som kan se ett föremåls historia och spårar folk, är människorna man borde heja på.
Som alla udda organisationer utför de experiment på de speciella människor de har i sin vård. Filmen kretsar kring Kira som överlevt ett speciellt experiment. Den enda som någonsin överlevt det.
Hon lyckas rymma med en högst värdefull spruta och ger sig ut i världen för att söka en säker hamn. Nick blir uppsökt av 13 åriga watchern cassie som är helt bestämd på att finna Kira och hennes spruta och använda den för att förgöra organisationen.

utspelar sig till största del i hong kong så det finns en hel del snygga män och kvinnor i denna film. ;)

Cassie Holmes: There are special people in this world. We don't ask to be special. We're just born this way. We pass you on the streets every day, unnoticed by most. It started in 1945. The Nazis were conducting experiments in psychic warfare, trying to turn those with psychic abilities into soldiers. Lots of us died. The war ended, but the experiments never stopped. Other governments around the world set up what they called "divisions", trying to do what the Nazis couldn't, to turn us into weapons. The divisions agents are trained to track and hunt us down like animals. Take us away from our families and friends. They test us and categorize us. I'm what they call a Watcher. We can see the future, even if that's not always as simple as it sounds. Others are called Movers; just an easy way of saying telekinetic. Pushers put thoughts in your head, and make whatever lie they come up with the truth. Sniffs, Shifters, Shadows, Bleeders... it goes on and on. In divisions' eyes, we're all just lab rats. Only one problem - we keep dying. No one has ever survived the drug meant to boost our powers. My name is Cassie Holmes. Division took my mom from me. Right now, the future I see doesn't look so great. The good news is, the future is always changing, in the largest of ways, by the smallest of things. They've been winning a lot of battles. Now it's our turn to win the war.

Pinky Stein:Sorry, I didn't know the procedure for stopping a blitzed ten year old.
Cassie Holmes: I'm thirteen!

Kira Hudson: When do I open it?
Nick Gant: When you start to doubt the truth.

Nick Gant: Did you lose a bet with your hairdresser?
Cassie Holmes: No! I just like color!

Cassie Holmes: Hey, what did I inject myself with?
Cassie Holmes: Seven Dragons Soy Sauce.
Nick Gant: That's gross.

Henry Carver: Is there anything else she might've put in your head? I'm only asking because I don't want to be shot in the face for screwing some made-up sister you don't really have.
Agent Mack: I don't have a sister?

Cocktail Waitress: Vodka martini.
Hook Waters: Thank you.
Cassie Holmes: I'll have one of those.
Nick Gant: She'll have a Coke.
Cassie Holmes: My mom drinks when she wants to get really clear images. She's famous for it.
Nick Gant: Maybe something without caffeine.

Kira Hudson: Division came and locked me up.
Nick Gant: What?
Kira Hudson: And you never came!
Nick Gant: I looked for you. I did!
Kira Hudson: You didn't find me.

Cassie Holmes: Where's the chicky-chicky who gets us all killed?
Nick Gant: Are you drunk?
Cassie Holmes: Yeah.

Cassie Holmes: [drunk] You don't get it, Nick. She's the one that kills us all, basically!
Nick Gant: Well I guess we're all going to get killed!
Cassie Holmes: Yeah! It's screwed up!
Pinky Stein: By we, do you mean not...
Cassie Holmes: You too!

Hook Waters: How are we going to make the future unpredictable?
Nick Gant: By not knowing what we're going to do, until right before we do it.
Cassie Holmes: A plan without planning.

Cassie Holmes: I think I just saved your life. No need to thank me, you should just start listening to me.

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